Title: The Secret Key (Agatha Oddly) (Book 1)
Book Author: Lena Jones
Summary: In “The Secret Key,” the first book in the Agatha Oddly series, young detective Agatha Oddly embarks on her first major investigation.
After discovering a mysterious key linked to her late father’s past, Agatha becomes determined to unravel its secrets.
As she investigates deeper, she encounters intriguing characters and unexpected challenges, all while navigating her school life and friendships.
The story blends mystery and adventure, showcasing Agatha’s cleverness and resourcefulness as she pieces together clues.
“The Secret Key” introduces readers to Agatha’s world and sets the stage for her future detective adventures, highlighting themes of bravery, friendship, and the importance of uncovering the truth.
Publisher: HarperCollins Publishers
Genre: Teens & Young Adults
Reading age: 11 -14 years
ISBN 10: 000834891X
ISBN 13: 978-0008348915
Year of Publication: 2019
Date of Publication: September 3, 2019
Pages: 336