Title: Dog Days (Diary of a Wimpy Kid #4) (Volume 4)
Book Author: Jeff Kinney
Summary: In Dog Days, the fourth installment of the “Diary of a Wimpy Kid” series by Jeff Kinney, Greg Heffley faces the challenges of summer vacation.
While he hopes for a laid-back break, his plans are disrupted when his mom insists on family outings and outdoor activities.
The story also explores the joys and chaos of pet ownership as Greg’s family adopts a dog, adding both excitement and trouble to his summer.
Through Greg’s humorous insights and relatable experiences, the book highlights the trials of growing up and the value of family and friendship.
With its engaging illustrations and witty commentary, Dog Days captures the essence of summer life from a child’s viewpoint, making it an enjoyable read for young audiences.
Publisher: Amulet Books; Illustrated edition
Genre: Children’s Books
Reading age: 7 -11 years
ISBN 10: 1419741888
ISBN 13: 978-1419741883
Year of Publication: 2009
Date of Publication: October 12, 2009
Pages: 224